Rose Keen
"Brains, Biases and Buying: Leveraging Behavioural Science in Ecommerce"

Rose Keen

Senior Analyst, Econsultancy

With over 15 years of media and business strategy experience, she has worked across a wide range of industries from automotive and consumer electronics to food and fashion. With a particular focus on behavioural science, she helps clients understand the power of taking a brain friendly approach, translating academic concepts and research into applicable lessons for marketers and experience professionals.

Econsultancy is the go-to marketing and ecommerce upskilling provider for large, global organisations. With expert-led learning programmes that have a measurable, meaningful impact, we help enterprise businesses achieve their growth ambitions.

Presentation Title:
"Brains, Biases and Buying: Leveraging Behavioural Science in Ecommerce"

The vast majority of human behaviour is not fully conscious. Understanding how the brain works, how it processes information and makes decisions will help you deliver better, more effective experiences and communications. This example-rich session will explore some key concepts from behavioural science and how they can be applied across the customer journey to better engage, convert and retain customers.